iGEM - The international Genetically Engineered Machine competition
iGEM is an international arena where student teams compete to design and assemble engineered machines using advanced genetic components and technologies.
[ Learn more.]
Current Events
- >> The [ BioSysBio Conference] is encouraging iGEM teams to attend and/or submit abstracts (by September 15/30th)[]
- Hotel@MIT discounted rooms deadline is October 3rd: see the Jamboree page for details.
- The Boston-area schools had a get together on July 28th - [ find out more]
- The UK teams had a meeting in Cambridge on July 24th/25th - check the report
- Browse or contribute to iGEM pictures or [ videos]. Media wanted!
view Past events...
iGEM News
News reports focusing on iGEM and the Registry from the greater scientific community and beyond...
- >> [ Synthetic Biology: Life 2.0] the Economist 8/31/2006
- [ Organism from Scratch] (in german) Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Switzerland - 08/24/06
- [ Imperial pioneers new biological engineering parts] Imperial College News 08/11/06
view more iGEM News...
iGEM is an initiative of the MIT [ iCampus] program, which is funded by Microsoft Corp. iCampus sponsors faculty innovations in educational technology, helps incubate them through classroom use, and promotes their adoption, evaluation and continued evolution through worldwide multi-institutional cooperation.
iGEM Competition c/o 32 Vassar Street, Room 314, Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 258 5244 | Join iGEM | Support iGEM