File registry


Revision as of 18:53, 30 May 2006 by Nadeau (Talk | contribs)
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File Registry:Good Afternoon Everyone, I started this page to register our Plasmids Minipreps, Etc. to provide additional information other than just what's on the Sheet.

Complete Plasmids Box:

1A: This is a midiprep of pGFP that was performed on Monday May 29 by Adam and Ashwin. This midiprep combined two seedings that were performed on the prior weekend. Both have been ran through the same midiprep column. The plasmid DNA here should be extremely concentrated as the maximm 50 ml of Culture was used. The total dissolving volume here is 200uL of dH2O. Unfortunately some product may hjave been lost during the last step of transferring the product from a big to a small centrifuge tube.

1B: NO LONGER GOOD. This is a MINIPREP product of MscL plasmid purified from a culture of Stable 3 bacteria by Jieun, Aaron and

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