International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition
[ Information about iGEM]
Drew Endy presents at the EU Teach the Teachers workshop, Imperial College
Current Events
- SB2.0 [ Webcasts] are now available
- The iGEM Newsletter (No. 1) is available (PDF) [ here]
- DNA plates have been shipped. See the Biobrick Delivery page details about what to do when you receive them. [ 2006 Plate content info] [ All repositories]
- Behind the scenes at iGEM [ headquarters] (video)
- The Registy upgrade is complete. [ <link>] Please report [ bugs] or problems.
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iGEM News
News reports focusing on iGEM and the Registry from the greater scientific community and beyond...
- [ Design for Life] BBC Focus - 6/06
- [ Engineering Life: Building a Fab for Biology] Scientific American - 6/06
- [ Journal Synthetic biology: new engineering rules for an emerging discipline. (Review Article)]Mol. Syst. Biol. doi:10.1038/msb4100073
view more iGEM News...
iGEM is an initiative of the MIT [ iCampus] program, which is funded by Microsoft Corp. iCampus sponsors faculty innovations in educational technology, helps incubate them through classroom use, and promotes their adoption, evaluation and continued evolution through worldwide multi-institutional cooperation.