Vector Digestions


Revision as of 18:59, 19 June 2006 by Poet (Talk | contribs)
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Prepare linearized vector from pTet-GFP in the following two ways:

  1. cut with XbaI + SpeI in order to receive PCR product of reversed pBAD
  2. cut with EcoRI + PstI in order to receive annealed hix oligos

Each of the above should be done this way:

  1. put together a restriction digestion using 400 ng vector and 40 ul volume
  2. run on 1% agarose gel
  3. purify the 2200 bp fragment (there will also be a smaller fragment from the pTet-GFP)

(Todd -- I think the guys -- Brad, Eric, Kelly, Adam -- finished this this morning, but they did not document it. I was in class by the time they left and they are gone. My understanding is that they plan to have everyone here at noon tomorrow.)

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