Useful Reading
- Spatiotemporal control of gene expression with pulse-generating networks.
Basu S, Mehreja R, Thiberge S, Chen MT, Weiss R. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Apr 27;101(17):6355-60. [ Link]
- Production of the antimalarial drug precursor artemisinic acid in engineered yeast.
Dae-Kyun Ro et al. Nature. 2006 Apr 13; 440(7086): 940-943.[ Link]
- Synthetic biology: new engineering rules for an emerging discipline.
Andrianantoandro E, Basu S, Karig DK, Weiss R. Mol Syst Biol. Epub 2006 May 16.[ Link]
- Taking pictures with E. coli: signal processing using synthetic biology.
Levy M, Tabor JJ, Wong STC. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 2006 May; 23(3): 140-142 [ Link]
- Teaching bacteria a new language.
Gerchman Y, Weiss R. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Feb 24; 101(8):2221-2. [ Link]
- Bacterial biosynthesis of a calcium phosphate bone-substitute material.
Thackray A C, Sammons R L, Macaskie L E, Yong P, Lugg H, Marquis P. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. April 2004, 15 403 - 406 [,19,44;journal,28,166;linkingpublicationresults,1:100192,1 Link]
- Some like it hot: spicing up ion channels.
Clapham D E. Nature 389 October 1997, 783-784 [ Link]
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