Past events
Past Events
Event listing from the main page are archived here, along with links to any reports or comments.
[ IBE Annual Meeting], March 10-12, 2006, Tucson, Arizona: Special Sessions on Synthetic Biology
Share your latest research! Make new friends! Bask in the Arizona sun!
Jay Keasling (an instructor for the Berkeley iGEM team) will be the keynote speaker at the Institute of Biological Engineering annual conference in Tucson.
Drew Endy and Tom Richard have organized a technical session on synthetic biology for Sunday morning of the conference. Several iGEM 2005 teams are represented on the program, and other iGEM mentors will be making presentations about current research from in their labs. In addition to the oral session focused on synthetic biology, there is an open poster session (with awards for student posters in both graduate and undergraduate divisions) and a student essay competition on bioethics.
Details are available at If you have questions about the conference or IBE, please contact Tom Richard <>