Duke 2006
From 2006.igem.org
Contents |
Duke iGEM Fellows 2006
All pre-graduate level students wishing to join the Duke iGEM Team must first apply and be accepted into the Duke iGEM Fellows Program. This program will require a commitment to brainstorming and preliminary research/training this spring, intensive research this summer (May 18-August 12), and participation in the 2006 iGEM jamboree at MIT in the fall.
Current Duke undergraduate students are eligible to enter the Duke iGEM Fellows 2006 process by emailing igem2006@duke.edu with the following:
- Name
- NetID
- Year
- Major(s) and minor(s)
- C.V. (as .pdf or .doc attachment)
- Course/labwork undertaken that is applicable to iGEM.
- 300 words or less on what you hope to gain from a Duke iGEM experience.
- 300 words or less on what you hope to contribute to a Duke iGEM team (computational, experimental, etc.).
- External funding for which you plan to apply/have applied and when you expect a response.
Joining a team will depend on the number of applications received and commitment to the iGEM schedule. The organizers will begin contacting students from the applications received by mid-January 2006 with further information. Given the tentative schedule below, applications may be greatly improved by seeking out external funding support and accommodations for summer 2006.
Faculty, post-docs, and graduate students are highly encouraged to participate as advisers to the undergraduate teams and, should they desire, contribute independently through a "Free Style" category as well. Please contact the organizers below for further details.
- Spring 2006 - workshops, recruitment of teams, potential ideas brainstorming and training.
- Summer 2006 - seminar series, project development, implementation, and an intra-Duke jamboree.
- Fall 2006 - Duke teams at intercollegiate jamboree.
- Spring 2006 - workshops, recruitment of teams, potential ideas brainstorming and training.
Summer Seminar Series
- [http://www.genome.duke.edu/people/faculty/cookdeegan Bob Cook-Deegan] May 31 at 4PM CIEMAS Auditorium
- [http://www.law.duke.edu/fac/crossman/ Colin Crossman] July 19 at 4PM CIEMAS Auditorium
Students and Contact Emails
- Austen Heinz*
- Keddy Chandran*
- Eric Josephs
- Pat Obrien
- Sagar Indurkhya
- Steven Lin
- Nirav Lakhani
- Hattie Chung
- John Lee
- Steven Lin
- Nicholas Tang
*student coordinators
Faculty/Staff and Contact Emails
- [http://www.cs.duke.edu/~thl/ Thom LaBean] thomas.labean@duke.edu
- [http://www.bme.duke.edu/faculty/tian/index.php Jingdong Tian]** jtian@duke.edu
- [http://www.bme.duke.edu/faculty/you/index.php Lingchong You] you@duke.edu
- [http://www.bme.duke.edu/faculty/yuan/index.php Fan Yuan]** fyuan@duke.edu
- [http://www.duke.edu/~fr7 Faisal Reza]** faisal.reza@duke.edu
- [http://igem.bme.duke.edu/ Duke University iGEM wiki]
- [http://syntheticbiology.org/ syntheticbiology.org]
- [http://webcast.berkeley.edu/courses/archive.php?seriesid=1906978261 Get Inspired! webcasts on synthetic biology]
- [http://www7.nationalacademies.org/keck/LifeEgineeringPresentations.html Life Engineering Symposium]