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Ideas from the first significant brainstorming session

Idea 1:

An arsenic sensing device that produces a change in pH in the medium that the bacteria are in. This could be combined with a device that would allow an analogue signal to be produced based on the concentration of arsenic.

Idea 2:

Modelling of a biological clock:

This project would be about modelling the biological mechanisims that control the circadian clock in plants. Could we make something that could produce a signal every hour? Could we change one parameter and get a signal every 4 hours, or 2 days for example? There would be little or no actual assembly involved.

Idea 3:

A multiple input/output device. ex: 3 input chemicals, and a combination of the 3 inputs could produce up to 6 output states/products.

Idea 4:

Bacterial Canvas. Using a biofilm with a device from idea 3 to produce multiple colours depending on the inputs.

Idea 5:

Bacterial photosynthesis. Put coding into e-coli or yeast to make them photosynthesize.

Idea 6:

Bacterial assembly line/Artificial metabolic pathway. A bacteria could be configured to produce different products in stages to produce a product that can't be made by one process alone. A control system could be integrated to manage the system.

This idea can be combined with another we had involving making bacteria form a 'hard' material, for example calcium phosphate (bone!). If we could make a way of artificially switching on and regulating the synthesis of the material we could make physical bricks, or structures, and perhaps also control the degradation of the material. Literally building using bacteria.

Idea 6

Idea 7:

Bacterial 'Hotness' Sensor. Get bacteria to detect Capsaican (the chemical that makes chilli peppers hot) and convert it into something which is less hot. Could have coloured output depending on the 'hotness' and adjust the heat dependent on the requirement.

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