Resources for ambassadors


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  • Registry Workshop - Powerpoint slides describing how to add a part with fictional example which includes links to the regitsry-hosted 'real' parts (Click 'S' or the part names for links). Ideally done with entire team - toward the end they are given a generic system to design and present to the other sub-teams at the workshop.--Jamesbrown 10:29, 24 July 2006 (EDT)

Slides for Ambassador Presentations, Robin, 02 September 2006

  • Introduction to Synthetic Biology - The vision and the foundations of Synthetic Biology. This presentation is based on the article "Foundations of Engineering Biology" by Drew Endy and the article [ Organismen vom Reissbrett] published in the Swiss Newspaper NZZ. My notes to explain these slides can be found here.
  • Counting to infinity - A presentation of the ETH 2005 project. Please write me an email if you need the slides.
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