Others (Publicity?)

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Revision as of 02:28, 7 September 2005

Wow, cool. First one here, or so it appears.

Yes, we should deal with publicity. We should freaking have Nova follow us around. This is a unique event, it is early days, and it's not being archived. I think this is a mistake.

Publicity now will be the surest way to lead to $ later, both from private and public (NSF, DARPA) sources.

Word of mouth is fine, look how well things are going so far just based on Drew's hyperkinetic nature, but we could do better.

Andy 中央吸尘新风系统 杭州通诚投资公司成人用品 成人用品杭州婚庆屏蔽器 手机信号屏蔽器网站建设 网站建设虚拟主机域名注册 网站推广企业邮箱域名申请 物流电子IC 网站建设 虚拟主机 域名注册 网站推广 企业邮局癌症杭州花店 vi设计 网页设计 杭州花店杭州鲜花杭州婚庆 杭州婚庆司仪杭州婚庆主持 腰带 平面设计 标志设计 手机信号屏蔽器 屏蔽器

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