Talk:Predator-Prey Behavior
- Dominic: I certainly like the idea. However, while it seems rather complex from a implementation point of view, the actually observable behavior is relatively simple, i.e. flashing with changing colors. Couldn't we extend the behavior side a little?
- Dominic: (log) As we all discussed in the last teammeeting, the current solution is not really a predator-prey behavior since they just kill each other but don't actually depend on each other in terms of feeding behavior. A suggestion that came up yesterday was to make the prey population produce some nutrition, e.g. amino acids, that the predator will depend on. So if the predator population exploits the prey population too much (by actually killing them, e.g. causing apoptosis which will release the nutrition stored in that prey-cell), there will be a lack of nutrition and the predator population will also shrink. This would create some real predator-prey dynamics.
Ok, I will just start a new variant which I will call "Nutrition-based Approach" and rename the original variant to "Mutual Killer Approach" (random, I know).
- Giorgia: Dominic, I modified your contribution by expanding the nutritional approach a little...