- org lunch
- idea update
- bac magnetic update
- current students list in order
- decide on faculty board mentors, split up, decide meeting time
- next week's JC
- tech transfer "IP feasibility report"
- Amgen sponsorship
- ask advisors grads to be involved
- small photo of each team member
- find alumns at cisco
- liase with alumn mag
- Azeem is writing a letter to send to Amgen (via Barrat) and Novartis (via Karen), JOhn to write to Invitrogen via Sue
Other tasks
- redo todo list
- Arrange health and safety course, see Karen's mail
- define faculty mentoring team
- summer plan, monthly
- summer plan weekly
- summer plan daily
- courses and workshops to prepare
- equipment needed
- add tasks
- add tasks
- add tasks