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iGEM 2005 - The summer 2005 intercollegiate Genetically Engineered Machine competition.
Contents |
Participating Schools
Berkeley [ Parts] | Caltech [ Parts] [ WIKI] |
Cambridge [ Parts] [ WIKI] | Davidson [ Parts] |
ETH Zurich [ Parts] | Harvard [ Parts] [ WIKI] |
[ MIT] [ Parts] [ WIKI] | Oklahoma [ Parts] |
Penn State [ Parts] | Princeton [ Parts] [ WIKI] |
Toronto [ Parts] | UCSF [ Parts] |
UT Austin [ Parts] | [ Registry Parts] |
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- [ Teacher's Workshop] - May 15-15, 2005
- Parts, Devices, Systems & Engineering Theory
- Risks and Rewards
- Notes on Tom Knight's talk
- [ Pam Silver's yeast powerpoint]
- Jamboree, November 5-6, 2005 (to change the name of the Jamboree, please send Drew Endy a check for $30,000,000)
Papers for Students to Read
General Review Papers
- A. Malcolm Campbell. 2005. Meeting Report: Synthetic Biology Jamboree for Undergraduates. Cell Biology Education. 4: 19 - 23. (Meeting Report for 2004 Jamboree) [ URL]
- Dan Ferber. 2004. Microbes Made to Order. Science. Vol. 303: 158 - 161. (Good general overview), [ URL]
- Jeff Hasty, David McMillen, and J. J. Collins. 2002. Engineered Gene Circuits. Nature. Vol. 420: 224 - 230. (Scholarly Review Paper), [ URL]
- Philip Ball. 2004. Starting from Scratch. Nature. Vol. 431: 624 - 626. (OK general overview), [ URL]
- Editors of Nature. 2004. Futures of Artificial Life. Nature. Vol. 431: 613. (Editorial that addresses ethical considerations), [ URL]
Research Papers in Synthetic Biology
- Timothy S. Gardner, Charles R. Cantor, and James J. Collins. 2000. Construction of a genetic toggle switch in Escherichia coli. Nature. Vol. 403. 339 - 342. (Bistable gene regulatory network, toggled by transient chemical or thermal induction, to serve as cellular memory)
- Robert T. Batey, Sunny D. Gilbert, and Rebecca K. Montange. 2004. Structure of a Natural Guanine-responsive Riboswitch Complexed with a Metabolite Hypoxanthine. Nature. Vol. 432. 411 - 415. (Distinguishes Riboswitches from Aptamers and Antiswitches; also shows 3D structure of aptamer and ligand)
- News Summary of Batey et al. 2004. (Batey et al., paper above)
- Laising Yen et al. 2004. Exogenous Controlof Mammalian Gene Expression through Modulation of RNA Self-cleavage. Nature. Vol. 431: 471 - 476. (mRNA-mediated regulation of translation)
- Yina Kuang, Israel Biran, and David R. Walt. 2004. Simultaneously Monitoring Gene Expression Kinetics and Genetic Noise in Single Cells by Optical Well Arrays. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 76: 6282 - 6286. (Analysis of two promoters)
- Thomas Bulter, Sun-Gu Lee, Wilson WaiChun Wong, Eileen Fung, Michael R. Conner, and James C. Liao. 2004. Design of artificial cell-cell communication using gene and metabolic networks. PNAS. 101(8): 2299-2304. (Quorum sensor using acetate signal)
- Hideki Kobayashi, Mads Kaern, Michihiro Araki, Kristy Chung, Timothy S. Gardner, Charles R. Cantor, and James J. Collins. Programmable cells: Interfacing natural and engineered gene networks. PNAS. 101(22): 8414-8419. (Toggle switch interfaced with 1) SOS signaling pathway for DNA damage response and 2) quorum sensing signalling pathway)
- Sara Hooshangi, Stephan Thiberge, and Ron Weiss. 2005. Ultrasensitivity and noise propagation in a synthetic transcriptional cascade. PNAS. 102(10): 3581–3586. (Basic Research Paper)
- Bayer, Travis S. and Christina D . Smolke. 2005. Programmable ligand-controlled riboregulators of eukaryotic gene expression. Nature Biotechnology. 23 (3): 337 - 343. (Antiswithces that turn off or on mRNA translation, regulated by amptamer binding ligands)
- Isaacs, Farren J. and James J. Collins. 2005. Plug-and-play with RNA. Nature Biotechnology. 23 (3): 306 -307. (Commentary on Bayer & Smolke, 2005.)
- Subhayu Basu, Yoram Gerchman, Cynthia H. Collins, Frances H. Arnold and Ron Weiss. 2005. A synthetic multicellular system for programmed pattern formation. Nature. Vol. 434:1130-1134 (Cool patterns, seeded with senders, with receivers responding to chemical gradients) [ URL]
Mathematical Modeling in Synthetic Biology
- Hasty J, McMillen D, Isaacs F, Collins JJ. 2001. Computational studies of gene regulatory networks: in numero molecular biology. Nat Rev Genet. 2001 Apr;2(4):268-79.
- Guet, Călin C., Elowitz, Michael B., Hsing, Weihong, Leibler, Stanislas Combinatorial Synthesis of Genetic Networks Science 2002 296: 1466-1470
- McAdams HH, Arkin A. Simulation of prokaryotic genetic circuits. Annu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct. 1998; 27:199-224. [ Link]
Possible Fun Groups
- Awards Panel
- Jamboree Planning
- Editorial Board
- Standards of Practice
- iGEM 2006 Planning
- Others (Publicity?)
Please see [ documentation on customizing the interface] and the [ User's Guide] for usage and configuration help.
iGEM is an initiative of the MIT [ iCampus] program, which is funded by Microsoft Corp. iCampus sponsors faculty innovations in educational technology, helps incubate them through classroom use, and promotes their adoption, evaluation and continued evolution through worldwide multi-institutional cooperation.